300 research outputs found

    Efficient redistribution policy: an analysis focused on the quality of institutions and public education

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    In this work we intend to study how the quality of the institutional factor may influence the efficiency of redistribution policy specifically associated with human capital accumulation. We develop a conceptual discussion building on the importance of income redistribution for economic growth and the key role of political institutions in securing growth-enhancing redistribution policies. We introduce endogenous growth theory elements into our analysis by considering as a fundamental source of economic growth human capital accumulation, motivated by tax-financed education secured through efficient redistribution policies. We outline crucial insights on the underlying mechanisms, emphasizing however that extensive research on the subject is undoubtedly still required. In particular, we identify the main factors negatively affecting the decisive role of political institutions and, consequently, distorting efficient redistribution policy. We then define a political-economic equilibrium as a combination of intermediately strong state and efficient control-rights institutions, implying simultaneous protection from expropriation and implementation of efficient redistribution policy, conducive to sustained economic growth.redistribution policy, human capital, institutions, taxation, public education, economic growth

    Inequality and Growth: Uncovering the main conclusions from the empirics

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    The theme of the relationship between inequality and economic growth has gained considerable attention among economists over the last two decades. In this paper, we analyse the effect of inequality on growth, whose related literature has been producing inconclusive results. After an exhaustive study of the major empirical works in this specific research area, we are able not only to advance with some potential explanations for the apparent lack of consensus on the empirical assessment of the inequality-growth relationship, but also to achieve a better understanding of the nature of this relationship and the forces underlying it. We conclude that the disparities found in the results of the estimation of the reduced-form relationship are most likely due to three dimensions: differences in the estimation techniques, the countries and the periods included in the sample, and the variable used to measure inequality. The last two aspects have particularly important implications. First, country/region specificities play a crucial role in the relationship between inequality and growth, so more emphasis should be put on the estimation of such a relationship on a national/regional basis, rather than trying to establish universal patterns. Second, the time horizon of the analysis should be carefully chosen, as different transmission channels from inequality to growth tend to operate differently in the short and in the long-run. Third, the fact that inequality in wealth distribution has a stronger negative effect on growth than inequality in income distribution may indicate that the channels through which inequality affects growth are not the same in both distributions. Therefore, we argue that in order to produce an accurate assessment of both the reduced-form relationship and the underlying transmission channels these aspects should be accordingly considered, which has not been the case in most of the empirical literature.inequality, economic growth, transmission channels, income distribution, wealth distribution, taxation

    Economics of the Firm and Economic Growth. An hybrid theoretical framework of analysis

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    The characterization of individual firms is an essential step toward the study of the behaviour of industries and other more aggregated units of economics, and so to the analysis of economic growth processes. Hence, the main goal of this study is to achieve a critical discussion around the conceptualisation of the firm and its role in the dynamical process of economic growth. The approach to the main topic starts with the construction of a theoretical matrix of the economics of the firm, opening with the two major traditions of institutionalist thought in economics, and evolving then towards some considerations around the contractual and the evolutionary approaches. Another important theoretical stream that deals with organizations in economic and sociological terms also appears, the population ecology approach. After this overview, it is developed a cross-exam of distinct theoretical perspectives and the identification of possible flaws of the neoclassical theory. This confrontation, which goes throughout many imperative and controversial issues within economics such as the nature of the firm and the cognitive capacities of economic agents, results in a systematisation about the impact of this discussion on economic growth. The conclusions appear as crucial to develop further research aiming the construction of economic growth models based on a microeconomics that is closer to the reality of firms.Firm; Economic Growth; Institutionalism; Evolutionary theory; Contractual Theory; Ecology Population Theory.


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    Procura-se avaliar e contribuir para a explicação da evolução das disparidades regionais na UniĂŁo Europeia ao longo do perĂ­odo de 1980-95. ApĂłs constatarmos, por um lado, a elevada amplitude das assimetrias dos nĂ­veis regionais de desenvolvimento e, por outro, a inexistĂȘncia de um processo significativo de convergĂȘncia absoluta, testamos empiricamente duas explicaçÔes alternativas para a nĂŁo-convergĂȘncia. A primeira explora a possibilidade de existĂȘncia de convergĂȘncia condicionada, Ă  luz de um quadro teĂłrico onde as diferentes regiĂ”es europeias estariam a convergir para diferentes nĂ­veis de steady-state, sendo que consideramos como variĂĄveis definidoras do nĂ­vel regional de steady-state variĂĄveis associadas a especificidades nacionais, a diferentes tipos de estrutura econĂłmica, Ă  localização regional, a efeitos de aglomeração e Ă  dotação regional em infraestruturas fĂ­sicas. Os resultados por nĂłs obtidos neste quadro de convergĂȘncia condicional evidenciam que, mesmo assim, apenas se verificarĂĄ convergĂȘncia a um ritmo muito lento, tendo particular relevĂąncia factores especĂ­ficos nacionais nĂŁo captados pelos outros regressores utilizados. Em alternativa, a anĂĄlise empĂ­rica suportada por um modelo de gap tecnolĂłgico permite concluir pela relevĂąncia da inovação e da difusĂŁo de tecnologia nos percursos regionais de crescimento da UniĂŁo Europeia. Em particular, os resultados sugerem que a difusĂŁo tecnolĂłgica favorece uma dinĂąmica de catching-up, na medida em que o seu contributo para o crescimento aumenta para grupos de regiĂ”es com menor nĂ­vel inicial de desenvolvimento, enquanto que o esforço tecnolĂłgico prĂłprio tem relevĂąncia para o crescimento das regiĂ”es ricas e intermĂ©dias mas, aparentemente, nĂŁo explica as diferenças nos ritmos de crescimento das regiĂ”es europeias mais pobres.

    An evolutionary model of firms' institutional behavior focusing on labor decisions

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    The understanding of the economy's aggregate growth patterns is a fundamental objective of economic growth theorizing. However, the micro constructions are strongly linked to economic growth and so cannot be neglected in such process. This paper is concerned with this problem, proposing a formal mechanism to establish the bridge between macro regularities and micro evolutionary behavior. Within a micro to macro or bottom-up perspective, the adopted approach is focused in the influence of firms’ ‘institutional settings’ on economic growth and in the industry dynamics that lies behind more aggregate behaviors. The analysis associates such settings to firms’ labor choices in terms of hiring/firing policies and to their screening capabilities. Building a computer simulation model which deals with the nature and evolution of the knowledge that guides firms’ efforts to improve their institutional settings, we were able to draw some important implications. The results show that firm’s ability to change its ‘institutional setting’ is crucial for its survival. In a model without a learning mechanism the results show significant turbulence in terms of exit and entry of firms and no significant connection with the firm’s ‘institutional set’. In the LearnModel, the outcome is much more stable, with initial firms surviving for long period of time. Results also suggest that the presence of a learning mechanism is particularly striking in what concerns firms’ behavior and industry’s dynamics. The survival probability depends on firms’ hiring efficiency and on their ability to react to environmental changes. Since firms’ hiring efficiency and their learning rates depend on their accumulated non-routine workers, the results seem to imply some ‘lock-in’ paths. Firms with initial low values of relative non-routine workers have lower chances of survival. However, firms with initial high values of relative non-routine workers will survive if and only if they rapidly improve their hiring efficiency.evolutionary, industrial dynamics, learning, labor decisions

    Gestão da Manutenção de Equipamentos Portuårios

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    Os desafios da competitividade e as exigĂȘncias de grande operacionalidade, fiabilidade e otimização que se colocam Ă  atividade dos terminais portuĂĄrios de movimentação de carga constituem motivação determinante para uma reflexĂŁo sobre os instrumentos e processos de gestĂŁo da manutenção de equipamentos portuĂĄrios de movimentação de carga, como fator de garantia das melhores condiçÔes de operação daqueles equipamentos. Com a realização deste projeto e, partindo de uma caracterização breve da actividade portuĂĄria, dos respetivos equipamentos e infra-estruturas e da sua importĂąncia para a competitividade do porto, pretende-se abordar a problemĂĄtica da gestĂŁo da manutenção numa perspetiva prĂĄtica, cobrindo, designadamente: (i) os conceitos chave de manutenção (tipos de trabalho, terminologia e tĂ©cnicas); (ii) a organização do parque de equipamentos e respetiva base de dados no sistema de gestĂŁo de ativos; (iii) a operacionalização e caracterização do sistema de gestĂŁo. Do ponto de vista metodolĂłgico, serĂĄ feita uma revisĂŁo da literatura sobre a problemĂĄtica e serĂŁo elencados aspetos prĂĄticos apreendidos da gestĂŁo no caso real do Porto da Praia, em Cabo Verde

    A influĂȘncia da imagem corporal da grĂĄvida na sua decisĂŁo em amamentar: uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura

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    Objective: This systematic review aimed to assess scientific evidence regarding the association between body image and the decision to breastfeed during pregnancy. Methods: This study used the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute and included studies from Scopus, Web of Science, B-On, and EBSCO. Inclusion criteria were primary studies published within the last 12 years, while gray literature, communications, and studies focusing on postpartum, body image, and newborn feeding were excluded. Results: The initial search yielded 77 articles, of which 73 were excluded after the identification process. Our analysis revealed that (i) there was a relationship between body image and the decision and duration of breastfeeding, and (ii) the decision to breastfeed seems to depend on a woman's positive or negative perception of her body. Conclusions: Understanding the influence of body image on the decision to breastfeed is crucial for health professionals to develop effective strategies for promoting this practice. However, the limited number of publications on this topic highlights the need for further research. Therefore, we suggest that future studies should investigate the relationship between body image and the decision to breastfeed and promote breastfeeding literacy among the general population.Objetivo: Esta revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica teve como objetivo avaliar as evidĂȘncias cientĂ­ficas sobre a associação entre a imagem corporal e a decisĂŁo de amamentar ao longo da gravidez. MĂ©todos: O estudo utilizou a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs, e incluiu estudos identificados nas bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, B-On e EBSCO. Os critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo foram estudos primĂĄrios publicados nos Ășltimos 12 anos, enquanto literatura cinzenta, comunicaçÔes, estudo com foco no pĂłs-parto, imagem corporal e alimentação do recĂ©m-nascido foram excluĂ­dos. Resultados: A pesquisa inicial resultou em 77 artigos, dos quais 73 foram excluĂ­dos apĂłs o processo de identificação. A nossa anĂĄlise revelou que (i) hĂĄ uma relação entre a imagem corporal e a decisĂŁo e duração da amamentação e (ii) a decisĂŁo do aleitamento materno parece depender da perceção positiva ou negativa da mulher em relação ao seu corpo. ConclusĂ”es: Compreender a influĂȘncia da imagem corporal na decisĂŁo de amamentar Ă© fundamental para que os profissionais de saĂșde desenvolvam estratĂ©gias eficazes para promover essa prĂĄtica. No entanto, o nĂșmero limitado de publicaçÔes sobre este tĂłpico destaca a necessidade de mais pesquisas. Portanto, sugerimos que estudos futuros investiguem a relação entre a imagem corporal e a decisĂŁo em amamentar, e promovam a literacia sobre o aleitamento materno diz respeito junto da população em geral

    The dynamics between economic growth and living standards in EU Countries: A STATICO approach for the period 2006-2014

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    The rate of economic growth is dissimilar between areas or regions, and these divergences generate potential impact on quality of life. The occurrence of the financial and economic crisis of 2008, can strengthen these gaps. Economic growth in this analysis includes six levels of gross domestic product growth rates (GDPgr) and seven variables with direct implications on the quality of life of families. The observations are fifteen EU countries, organized into three groups: northern, central and southern. The STATICO method (Simier et al., 1999) used in this research is a three-way multivariate analysis supported on a partial triadic analysis (PTA, Thioulose and Chessel, 1987) to find the stable part of the structure of a series of tables from 2006 to 2014, over a common structure resulting from the co-inertia analysis (Doledec and Chessel, 1994) applied to each pair of an economic growth tables and a life standard tables. With this method, it was possible to extract the stable part of economic growth-life standard common relationships and to analyze the influences of the financial crisis of 2008info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Governos partidĂĄrios e sociedade civil

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    Mestrado em CiĂȘncia PolĂ­ticaOs partidos e sociedade civil tĂȘm seguido percursos substancialmente diferentes ao longo das Ășltimas dĂ©cadas. Cada vez mais, um padrĂŁo de declĂ­nio partidĂĄrio tem sido apontado, caracterizado por um enfraquecimento dos partidos nas democracias capitalistas. O enfraquecimento dos partidos em algumas dimensĂ”es Ă© compensado por um fortalecimento em outras. Enquanto os laços com o eleitorado se enfraquecem, fortalece-se a aproximação ao Estado e a crescente dependĂȘncia dos seus recursos. A sociedade civil, pelo contrĂĄrio, Ă© cada vez mais vista como a ‘grande ideia’ para uma sĂ©rie de dilemas sociais, econĂłmicos e polĂ­ticos. Apesar dos problemas conceptuais, a sociedade civil estĂĄ associada a uma variedade de resultados positivos (e correlacionados), incluindo a transição e consolidação democrĂĄtica; melhoria da qualidade da democracia; novos padrĂ”es de governação e de produção e provisĂŁo de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas; maior participação polĂ­tica e envolvimento cĂ­vico; e a promoção do capital social. De forma crucial, a expansĂŁo da sociedade civil – quer ao nĂ­vel normativo ou positivo – ocorre no mesmo territĂłrio que os partidos estĂŁo a abandonar, Ă  medida que os partidos perdem a sua capacidade de mobilização. No entanto, ao mesmo tempo, na medida em que sociedade civil interage com o Estado, as organizaçÔes da sociedade civil sĂŁo obrigadas a lidar com os partidos. Tendo em conta que a relação entre partidos e sociedade civil pode ser medida atravĂ©s de uma grande variedade de indicadores, esta investigação analisa o papel intermediĂĄrio dos partidos entre o Governo e a sociedade civil em Portugal. Especificamente, este trabalho visa analisar os padrĂ”es de concessĂŁo de benefĂ­cios financeiros Ă s associaçÔes promocionais da sociedade civil. Para este efeito, foram recolhidos e analisados dados sobre os benefĂ­cios financeiros atribuĂ­dos discricionariamente pelo Estado Ă s associaçÔes promocionais, no perĂ­odo compreendido entre 1999 e 2008. Desta forma, foi possĂ­vel abranger quatro governos, dois da coligação centro-direita e dois governos do Partido Socialista. De acordo com o modelo de partidos no Governo, os padrĂ”es de benefĂ­cios financeiros de governos com diferentes partidos irĂĄ permitir inferir acerca do modo como partidos e sociedade civil interagem e atĂ© que ponto estas relaçÔes sĂŁo mediadas por (e reflectem) dimensĂ”es partidĂĄrias. Em especĂ­fico, esta investigação examina empiricamente as seguintes questĂ”es. Em primeiro lugar, atĂ© que ponto as mudanças na composição do governo geram modificaçÔes no financiamento discricionĂĄrio do Estado Ă s associaçÔes promocionais. Em segundo lugar, atĂ© que ponto diferentes governos apoiam diferentes tipos de associaçÔes promocionais, isto Ă©, atĂ© que ponto governos de direita e de esquerda estĂŁo mais inclinados para apoiar associaçÔes mais prĂłximas dos seus valores. Finalmente, atĂ© que ponto os partidos atribuem estes benefĂ­cios financeiros com vista a obter ganhos eleitorais ou recompensar apoios, quer atravĂ©s do financiamento de associaçÔes localizadas nos municĂ­pios controlados pelo partido no poder, quer pela atribuição destes fundos imediatamente apĂłs e antes das eleiçÔes. ABSTRACT: The fortunes of political parties and civil society have seemingly followed starkly divergent paths over the last few decades. Parties have been increasingly described as weakening and losing relevance in advanced capitalist democracies, a perceived ‘party decline’. There is a general acceptance of a weakening of parties in some dimensions, albeit compensated by a strengthening in others. In Katz and Mair’s (1995) influential analysis, the former are parties’ links with the electorate, compensated through a retrenchment in the state and increasing reliance on its resources. Contrarily, civil society is increasingly seen as the “big idea” for a series of social, economic and political dilemmas. Despite the definitional problems that remain with the concept, civil society is associated with a number of positive (and interrelated) outcomes, including democratic transitions and consolidation; improved quality of democracy; new patterns of governance and of public policy production and provision; greater political participation and civic engagement; and a fostering of social capital. Crucially, the expansion of civil society – at both a normative and positive level – occurs in much the same terrain that parties are abandoning, as parties lose their capacity to mobilise citizens. Yet, at the same time, to the extent that civil society interacts with the state, civil society organisations are obliged to deal with political parties. Considering that the relationship between political parties and civil society can be measured through a wide range of indicators, this research analyses the intermediary role of political parties between government and civil society in the Portuguese case. In specific, our aim is to analyse the patterns of government allocation of financial benefits to promotional associations of civil society. In order to do so, data on the discretionary financial benefits attributed by the state to promotional associations was collected for the period between 1999 and 2008, capturing a period of four governments, two of a centre-right coalition, two of the centre-left Socialist Party. Given the party government model, patterns of financial benefits by governments of different parties will allow us to infer about the way parties and civil society interact, and to what extent these relationships are mediated by (and reflect) partisan dimensions. In specific, this research empirically examines the following three questions. First, to what extent changes in government composition generate changes to the discretionary state financing of promotional associations. Second, to what extent different governments support different types of promotional associations, with leftwing and right-wing governments more inclined to support associations closer to their respect values. Third, to what extent parties grant these discretionary financial benefits for electoral gain and to reward support, be it by funding associations located in municipalities controlled by the party in power, be it by granting these funds immediately after and before elections


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    O relato diz respeito Ă  criação de disciplinas mistas de ensino-pesquisa e extensĂŁo, para graduandos da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Como exemplo, as autoras apresentam um Case, relacionando as instĂąncias administrativas, normatizaçÔes e os processos didĂĄtico-pedagĂłgicos envolvidos para implantar, no curso de graduação em Curso de GestĂŁo PĂșblica para o Desenvolvimento EconĂŽmico e Social – GPDES, uma disciplina mista intitulada Introdução Ă  Pesquisa e ExtensĂŁo. Bem como, salientamos a criação da CĂąmara de ExtensĂŁo no Ăąmbito do Centro de CiĂȘncias JurĂ­dicas e EconĂŽmicas, CCJE da UFRJ. O objetivo do texto Ă© compartilhar e historiar o processo realizado para tal, assim como ressaltar a importĂąncia do tripĂ© universitĂĄrio ensino-pesquisa e extensĂŁo para a manutenção de experiĂȘncias discentes e docentes tanto em termos teĂłricos e metodolĂłgicos, de forma a permitir a reafirmação e materialização dos compromissos Ă©ticos e solidĂĄrios da Universidade PĂșblica brasileira
